Tag Archives: des moines

Winter of the Quilt

Winter has not yet begun, but I am thinking winter.

This winter, I am going to make a quilt.

I have gathered my materials.

I have laid out the fabric.

I have made the initial cuts.

And am excited to see the results. In fact, I have somewhat been “rationing” out the work. One third of the fabric (two different colors/patterns) has now been cut into triangles. I will gradually cut the others. And then I will get my sewing table and I will start to piece them together.

(I don’t care that I don’t care about being super precise. There will be character. CHARACTER!)

This weekend, I am too busy with the photo business to make any progress, but that’s okay. I’m in no hurry.




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I’ve Been Interviewed!

You can check it out on the Khenri Interview Series here.

In the meantime, I’ve been quite busy over at Just ADG. Babies, families, senior pictures, models . . . been doing it all!

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Baby’s First Relays

Fact: I have lived in Des Moines for almost eight years now.

Fact: Three of those years were spent as a student at Drake University.

Fact: Drake Relays, and the parties throughout the weekend, are huge for Drake students.

Fact: I have never gone to Relays or any associated Relays events since I’ve moved to Des Moines.*

*My first visit to Des Moines was for a Relays recruiting event, but the actual Relays were not enjoyed.

It’s not like I haven’t tried. When I was in school, the Relays coincided with the first weekend of finals. And, yes, there were finals ON the weekends. While I wasn’t a total fun hating nerd–I went out a LOT during finals–the thought of crowded beer tents and sitting in the rain (it always rains) did not sound ideal with my finals induced homicidal tendencies. Then I was out of school. And it would rain, and rain, and rain. Again–I didn’t want to spend an entire weekend in the rain when I could stay home and watch Rock of Love. And then I started working on weekends and that just wouldn’t work out.

But this year I made it work.

I decided to do it in real college student fashion and take a couple of shots before heading over the day. Hank did not approve.

Once we got near campus, Jenni and I stopped in at one of the Drake bar’s, the West End Lounge, for a beer. And a fruity shot. (WOO COLLEGE) Our bartender was about twelve and carded Jenni and not me. Big tears there.

At the actual Relays. we watched a lot of hurdles. And had very polite Air Force boys sit in front of us. Sadly, Lolo Jones did not compete but watching Chaunte Lowe kick butt at high jump more than made up for it. We learned how triple jump works (an event that I am pretty sure my track team did not have) and I critiqued the competitors’ running styles. Coaching track is something I feel I could really enjoy.

(I took several GIFs but then learned the hard way not to import them with iPhoto. Whoops.)

A visit from Porterhouse made the Relays adventure a success!

All in all, a great time! I forgot how much I love track and will Relay again.

Plus, I got to finish the night warming up in front of a fire. Always nice.

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A Sunday in the Park

(I have to admit–I almost wish it was a Saturdaaaay . . .in the park. But it wasn’t the fourth of the july.)

I was able to celebrate my first day free from my part-time job and ring in the month of April with good friends and a lovely day in the park. The Lilac Arboretum at Ewing Park, to be specific.

We brought along plenty of picnic fixin’s (pasta salad and cheese and bread and chutney oh my!).

We may have even broken the rules just a little bit.

It was just so nice being there. And not having to worry about getting ready for work. Or being on a schedule. And being able to change my plans at a moment’s notice. So nice.

Looking forward to so many more Sundays of leisure. Sunday may just end up my favorite day of the week.

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A Detour.

Sometimes I’ll see a road sign or something that looks interesting. Or something will tell me to turn down a road I’ve passed hundreds of times before. I love when I have the time available to be able to give into my urges and travel down these unknown roads. (Really . . . wouldn’t it be great if every day you could see a place you’ve never seen before?! And really it is possible without having to hop in a plane every week.)

This evening on the way home from running an errand I saw a sign for a park and the next thing I knew I was crossing three lanes of traffic so I could be in the turning lane. And then driving until I found the park. And then driving until I found the park after that one. I got out of my car and walked around, not worrying about my new shoes. (If we let our new shoes prevent us from walking upon new places, then what good are we really doing?)

Although I was resilient to instagram in the past in favor of using my DSLR (and before that resilient to anything digital), I have to say I love the freedom having a mini-camera in my pocket at all time affords me. Just like having on new shoes shouldn’t stop me, neither should having a “real camera.”

There’s just something about these detours. No matter the sight, the feeling of seeing and experiencing something new is amazing.

And with this little camera embedded in my phone, I can easily capture these moments and show them in the light my memory attributes to them.

I can always come back with the “big guns” if I so choose.

I’m always left satisfied yet longing for more. When will my next adventure be?! What will I find next?!

Even in the most limited of spaces, there is always a new path you can take. And with a few spare minutes and a camera in your pocket, there’s really no excuse not to.

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