Tag Archives: the past

The Fifties: In Color


Inspired by Candice’s recent facebook album of old family photographs, I wanted to share some of the old slides I have from when my grandpa was in the Army.  Similar to this old post, what is really great about these images is getting to see a time in COLOR that we are so used to seeing only in black and white.

My grandpa was in the Army in the early to mid 50’s.  He couldn’t have fared better timing wise–there were no major conflicts during his time.  He was in Europe for awhile, where he worked as a surveyor and played football.  Maybe they were trying to spread American football to the rest of the world?

When I had the slides and his photo album from training (a bunch of dudes drinking, playing with guns, and playing tricks on each other), I didn’t scan them all.  However, I will share all the ones I have (including a few black and white ones).


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